Speisekarte von The Pub
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Highlights der Speisekarte
Hat Optionen für:
mixed ground beef or marinated chicken wrapped in a soft shell taco with cheddar cheese and cholula sauce
Flour tortilla filled with salsa, lettuce, cheddar cheese, chipotle sauce and marinated chicken
folded flour tortilla filled with cheddar cheese and your choice of filling mixed ground beef
Stacks of corn chips smothered in melted cheese topped with our homemade guacamole, salsa and sour cream
Mexican Pizza
baked tortilla shell, topped with refried beans served with salsa, guacamole and sour cream and creamy re-fried beans
Chili Colorado
Tender pieces of beef slow-cooked in ground chillis, onions and spices served with mexican rice and a small cheese quesedilla
Los Burritos
Large flour tortilla stuffed with mexican rice, creamy re-fried beans and topped with salsa and sour cream carne asada steak strips
Fuller‘s London Pride premium ale 0,3l
Whatever you do, take Pride
Gösser Zwickl Dunkel 0,5l
unfiltered styrian dark beer
Kilkenny 0,5l
ireland‘s attempt of an english bitter
Snakebite (Beer & Cider) 0,5l
Berro/Pampero blanco/Smirnoff/Gordon‘s, Strawberry Puree, Strawberry Syrup, Lime and Cane Sugar
White Russian
Smirnoff, Kahlua and Cream
Smirnoff, Orgeat, Lemon, Pineapple and Cucumber
Italian Colada
Myers´s Rum, Amaretto, Coconut Cream, Cream and Pineapple
Cuba Libre Spiced
Captain Morgan, Lime and Cola