Menu from Erich
Check out the menu at Erich and discover what everyone's craving! Know what to expect when you book a table at Erich: From appetizers to desserts, discover the delicious food awaiting you. You can even peek at the prices, menu highlights and popular dishes from Erich. Mmm we’re getting hungry already…
Check out the menu(s)
Menu highlights
Includes dishes that are:
Green shakshuka (vegan möglich)
2 eier, zucchini, feta, broccoli, spinat, chili, saubohnen, cashewnüsse, kreuzkümmel, bio Dampfofenbrot
Süsser Erich
ruby schokocroissant mit pistazien und granatapfel, french toast, beeren, marillenmarmelade, brioche, knusper-butter
Schöner Erich
beinschinken, mini acai, gruyère, frischkäse, weiches ei, räucherlachs, schnittlauchbutter, knusperspeck, bio semmel, vollkorn-“ULRICH“-urkorn
Quinoa Bowl (vegan)
quinoa, schmorpaprika, bunte rüben, melanzani, kürbis, jungspin
sauerteigbrot, schmorzwiebel, avocado, roter rübenhummus, mangold-basilikum-tomatensalat
Pulled Pork Sandwich
brioche bun von joseph brot, hausgemachte bbq sauce, rotkraut, gurkerl, röstzwiebel, tomatenrelish, ERICH nachos
Apfel-Brombeer- Streuseltarte
French toast
frische beeren, ahornsirup
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